Top 6 Tips to Win the Amazon Buy Box and Reasons Why Sellers Compete for it

June 27, 2022

Top 6 Tips to Win the Amazon Buy Box and Reasons Why Sellers Compete for it

What is Amazon Buy Box?


Amazon Buy Box

If you've ever bought on Amazon, chances are you've made a purchase by selecting an item and then clicking the "Buy" button. The phrase "Amazon Buy Box" refers to the group of "Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" buttons that are located in a group on the right-hand side of each product listing.

These two buttons link to the particular product listing for an individual seller, where a client can put an item into their shopping cart to purchase it later. Because of this, the visibility of a seller's product and how well it sells on Amazon Marketplace are both considerably improved. Due to the fact that it acts as a one-stop-shop for prospective customers, the Buy Box on Amazon is a highly coveted tool that attracts a great deal of rivalry from merchants.

From the point of view of a seller, then, how exactly does the Amazon Buy Box function? To put it more simply, vendors that offer the same item compete against one another for a portion of the Buy Box, which is passed around from seller to seller. The Buy Box on Amazon is given out according to a number of different criteria, which are broken down into several categories below.

What Affects the Buy Box?

When choosing which offer should be displayed in the Buy Box, Amazon makes an effort to choose based on the same criteria that a customer would use. Because of this, Amazon will prioritize displaying the offer that is not just the most lucrative for the company but also the one that is most likely to be chosen by a customer.

So here are some factors that affect the Amazon Buy Box:

Performance Data

Amazon Buy Box Performance

When choosing who gets the Buy Box, Amazon also takes into account a number of performance data, such as the percentage of orders that are shipped late, the number of refunds issued, and the number of canceled orders. To sum things up, in order to increase your performance indicators, you should strive to offer customers the highest possible level of service.

It is critical for a seller's success to maintain open lines of communication with their customers at all times. Therefore, don't keep them waiting too long for an answer to their queries or feedback; doing so could be detrimental to your reputation, and it won't help you win the Buy Box, for sure.

Product Stocks

Amazon Buy Box Inventory

Amazon evaluates not only the current inventory status of your product but also the general consistency with which you keep products in stock. This evaluation takes place regardless of the current inventory status of your product. Once more, proper inventory management is vital to capturing the Buy Box as well as the loyalty of your customers.

Backordered products nevertheless have a chance to win the Buy Box, but the Amazon algorithm will prioritize products that a customer may purchase immediately above those that are available on backorder. Therefore, you should aim to avoid backorders.

Product Quality

Only new products are eligible to win the Buy Box according to the methodology that Amazon uses. Therefore, the algorithm will not include your listing in its results if you are selling a used product. Even though some vendors object to this restriction, having it in place helps ensure that customers receive brand-new items that have not been harmed in transit.

Also, the order defect rate, often known as ODR, is being checked by Amazon. It is comprised of three distinct metrics: the rate of service chargebacks, the rate of A-Z guarantee claims, and the negative feedback rating.

Amazon uses these three variables in its calculation to determine the percentage of damaged orders that have been shipped. Amazon states that the ODR should be lower than 1 percent, and any sellers who exceed this threshold will be subject to a penalty.

Price Difference

Amazon Buy Box Prices

The cost of the goods is taken into consideration by the algorithm that determines who gets the Buy Box. This is done in order to provide customers with the greatest possible shopping experience. It is essential that your company offer costs that are competitive, and this includes the prices you charge for shipping, tax, and handling of the product.

This number represents the price at which the item may be purchased on Amazon. If a seller's performance indicators are low in relation to those of other vendors, then the seller will need to cut their pricing even further in order to compete for the Buy Box.

Reasons Why Sellers Are Eager to Win the Buy Box

Amazon Buy Box

In recent years, there has been a rapid rise in the number of customers who shop on Amazon using their mobile devices. Because it maintains a level playing field, which is vital from the perspective of consumers, the Amazon Buy Box is an important feature for the following reasons: Customers who shop on Amazon equate the Buy Box with receiving superior customer care and selecting the very best things. Because consumers rarely investigate alternative vendors of a product, unless they are interested in purchasing an item that has been previously owned. It is not very often that people even explore the winner of the Buy Box, but when they do, they are satisfied with what they find, whether it be quick shipping or reviews rating five stars. This is due to the fact that the methodology for Amazon's Buy Box ensures that only reputable and trustworthy businesses are awarded the spot.

That is a tremendous advantage for the vendor. Customers add and purchase your product without any hesitation at all. As a result of this activity, you will contribute to your sales and revenue targets, and you will also develop brand awareness among customers as Amazon customers continue to purchase the product that won the Buy-Box.

Top 6 Tips to Win the Amazon Buy Box

  • Establish Your Standing as a Trusted Seller

    Amazon Buy Box Trust Rating

    As is often stated, Amazon gives favor to vendors that have maintained a positive reputation. It is for this reason that it is necessary to create your reputation in order to increase the likelihood that the Buy Box will consider you. In order to achieve this goal, you will need to ask customers for feedback and reviews in order to maintain a positive reputation as an Amazon seller.

    Are you able to keep up with demand and yet give satisfying service to all of your customers? Your chances of earning a portion of the Amazon Buy Box are determined in part by your Amazon seller metrics, such as your overall delivery rate, feedback rating, and on-time shipment rate. Examine your metrics on a consistent basis and check to see that your Amazon account is in good standing at all times.

    Amazon measures such as Cancellation Rate, Refund Rate, Late Shipment Rate, Order Defect Rate, and Valid Tracking Rate are contributors to the process of choosing who wins the Buy Box. However, the majority of sellers are unaware of these numbers. Amazon places a high value on these types of rates because they provide insight into the success of third-party sellers like yourself.

  • Deliver Outstanding Service to Your Clients

  • Interacting with the customers of your store is required if you want to increase your chances of being selected for the Buy Box. Create a review management approach for your company, such as a daily timetable for checking in on and responding to the comments and suggestions of your clients.

    The likelihood of receiving good feedback from customers will increase for sellers who provide excellent customer service, whether it's in response to an initial inquiry or after a product has been purchased. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the overall feedback score.

  • Stock Availability

  • Because inventory is so important in the retail sector and other industries related to sales, businesses that sell on Amazon need to take extra precautions to ensure they never run out of stock. Amazon's inventory must always be up to date in order to achieve a higher Buy Box victory rate. It is important for sellers to be ready to refill items that are moving quickly.

    If you do not have sufficient inventory on hand to fulfill customer orders, having a consistent order volume is of little use to you. You need to have a distinct inventory management plan in place in order to be able to compete effectively for a portion of the Buy Box. Establish solid working ties with your vendors. If you do this, you may be able to get special discounts and expedited processing of your orders in the event that there is an unexpected rise in the volume of your orders.

  • Maintain a Competitive Price Point for Your Goods

  • The Buy Box is not always awarded to the bid with the lowest price. Increasing your chances of getting a share by having a clever pricing plan on Amazon. Check out your competitors' prices and make sure yours are comparable; unless you are selling something at a significantly lower price or of higher quality, your prices shouldn't be radically different from those of your competitors. Maintaining a price that is competitive is essential to securing the Buy Box. Considering all of this, one ought to work on formulating a price strategy.

  • Fast and Reliable Shipping

  • You need to make sure that you are creating or getting enough merchandise to supply to Amazon's multiple warehouses; otherwise, your product will run out of stock and be unavailable to customers. Conduct an audit of your internal procedures as well as your relationship with your partners, and look for ways to enhance both.

    If you offer quick and free shipping to Amazon customers in 2022, you will increase the likelihood that Amazon will select your product for inclusion in the Buy Box. You will be able to provide additional benefits to customers if you sign up for Amazon FBA or Seller Fulfilled Prime.

  • Consider Signing up for Amazon FBA

  • If you offer your products through Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program, may this help you win the Buy Box? Absolutely. The use of FBA is not required in any way, but it does give you the ability to quickly fulfill orders and provide quick shipping, which is an essential component of earning that portion of the pie.

    When it comes to competing for the Amazon Buy Box, FBA offers a great deal of value despite the fact that it is a paid service. It offers ideal performance measurements for order fulfillment and shipment times at the same time. In addition to this, it reduces the amount of stress that is associated with the process of shipping orders.

    If you want to know more about the FBA method and deeply understand its benefits, you can check this article “10 MOST ESSENTIAL BENEFITS OF USING AMAZON FBA” and start your FBA journey!

    Win the Amazon Buy Box Among Other Sellers

    Work through the strategy in a logical manner with the rest of your team, sharing responsibilities and assigning new ones as you go. You will progress from merely having your eye on the prize to actually having it in your possession if you follow through with this tutorial and finish each section in its entirety. You are now aware of the criteria that Amazon maintains for its merchants and the aims that Amazon has for its customers.

    Your next objective should be to keep your seller metrics at a high level, particularly when you begin to participate in international marketplaces. And as more and more customers gravitate toward mobile purchasing experiences, you absolutely must not forget how significant that one tiny yellow button is and why it is imperative that you continue to come out on top in this competition.

    The Amazon Buy Box is an important component. Focusing on the most important factors, such as becoming a seller with Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), having products that are eligible for Amazon Prime, honing your skills in providing excellent customer service, and having an understanding of how pricing works, are all essential in order to secure a spot in the highly desirable Buy Box.

    You are going to realize, in the end, that an algorithmic approach to your plan is vital. This is the same technique that Amazon takes.

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