If you are thinking about MAXIMISING your amazon sells, an efficient way to do this is by implementing the adequate Amazon Advertising. The traffic that you get will depend on money invested to on Amazon Ads and the strategy developed for each specific product.
ECOMCY looks at each product individually and develop a strategy based on product needs and characteristics. We analyse competitors and use the most up-to-date Amazon Marketing plan to put our clients ahead of competitors.
Once your product page is ready and fully optimised, the next step is to drive all the possible traffic to your product page by putting your product right in front of potential customers. Our advertising experts will come out with the right strategy and will manage your Amazon Sponsored Ads campaigns.
Amazon Sponsored Ads allow brands to increase product visibility by getting their products to the top of relevant search results. Our Amazon advertising consultants will create a Pay-Per-Click strategy for you, based on product profitability, availability, Buy Box share, and of course, your business goals and sales targets to optimise your sales.