How to Get the Amazon Best Seller Badge: Tips and Recommendations

January 20, 2023

How to Get the Amazon Best Seller Badge: Tips and Recommendations

The Amazon Best Seller Badge is a coveted award for any seller on the platform. Not only does it increase the visibility and credibility of your products, but it can also lead to increased sales and revenue. But how do you go about earning this badge? 

Here are some tips and recommendations to help you on your way.

  • Optimize your listings: The first step in getting the Amazon Best Seller Badge is to make sure your listings are as optimized as possible. This includes using keywords in your titles and descriptions, providing detailed product information, and using high-quality images.
  • Price competitively: Pricing your products competitively is crucial for becoming a best seller on Amazon. Make sure you are aware of the prices of similar products and adjust your prices accordingly.
Ecomcy Price competitive
  • Get great reviews: Positive reviews are crucial for getting the Amazon Best Seller Badge. Encourage your customers to leave reviews by providing excellent customer service and making it easy for them to leave feedback.
Ecomcy Get great reviews
  • Increase your sales: The most obvious way to become a best seller on Amazon is to increase your sales. This can be done by using Amazon's advertising and marketing tools, such as sponsored products and sponsored brands.
  • Utilize Amazon's tools: Amazon provides a variety of tools for sellers to help them increase sales and visibility. Make sure you are taking advantage of these tools, such as Amazon's fulfillment services and the Amazon Brand Registry.
  • Be patient: Earning the Amazon Best Seller Badge takes time and effort. Be patient and persistent in your efforts, and don't give up if you don't see results right away.

Getting the Amazon’s Choice Badge

The Amazon's Choice badge is a label that Amazon assigns to certain products to indicate that they are high-quality, well-priced options that are popular among customers. The badge is intended to make it easier for customers to find the best products on the platform, and it is typically displayed prominently on the product detail page. Products that are eligible for the badge are selected based on a variety of factors, including customer reviews, sales data, and relevance to a customer's search query. The badge can be a powerful tool for sellers, as it can help increase visibility and sales for their products.

Is The Amazon’s Choice Badge Different From The Amazon Bestseller Badge?

Yes, the Amazon Choice Badge and Amazon Best Seller Badge are different.

The Amazon Best Seller Badge is awarded to products that are in the top 100 of their category in sales and is based on sales performance over a relatively long period of time.

The Amazon Choice Badge, on the other hand, is assigned to specific products that Amazon deems to be high-quality and well-priced options that are popular among customers. This badge is intended to make it easier for customers to find the best products on the platform, and it is typically displayed prominently on the product detail page.

The selection criteria for the Amazon Choice badge is different from the Amazon bestseller badge, it takes into account a variety of factors including customer reviews, sales data, and relevance to a customer's search query.

In summary, Amazon Best Seller Badge is awarded based on sales performance over a longer period of time, while Amazon Choice Badge is assigned to products that Amazon deems to be high-quality and well-priced options that are popular among customers.

Is It Reasonable To Pursue The Amazon Best Seller Badge?

Increase sales and revenue
  • Increased visibility and credibility for your products: Having the Amazon Best Seller Badge can help increase the visibility and credibility of your products, as it indicates to customers that your products are in high demand and have a proven track record of sales.
  • Increased sales and revenue: The badge can lead to increased sales and revenue, as customers are more likely to choose products with the badge over those without it.
  • A higher likelihood of customers choosing your product over others: The badge can also make your product stand out among similar products, increasing the chances of customers choosing your product over others.
  • A higher chance of being recommended by Amazon's algorithm: Having the badge can also increase the chances of your products being recommended by Amazon's algorithm, which can lead to even more sales.
  • Increased trust from customers: The badge can also increase trust from customers, as it indicates that your products are of high quality and have a proven track record of sales.
  • A higher chance of being featured on Amazon's homepage or in email promotions: The badge can also increase the chances of your products being featured on Amazon's homepage or in email promotions, which can lead to even more visibility and sales.

However, it's also important to keep in mind that earning the Amazon Best Seller Badge is not a guarantee and it depends on the performance of the product, its quality, pricing, and customer reviews. Additionally, the competition for the badge can be fierce, so sellers need to be prepared to put in the work to optimize their listings, price competitively, and get great reviews.

By following these tips and recommendations, you can increase your chances of getting the Amazon Best Seller Badge. Remember to optimize your listings, price competitively, get great reviews, increase your sales, utilize Amazon's tools, and be patient. With hard work and dedication, you can become a best seller on Amazon and take your business to the next level.

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