Seller’s Guide: How to Write Effective Amazon Bullet Points

January 13, 2023

Seller’s Guide How to Write Effective Amazon Bullet Points

What Are Amazon Bullet Points?

Amazon bullet points are a feature on the Amazon website that allows sellers to list key product features and benefits in a bullet-pointed format. These bullet points are typically displayed prominently on the product page and are meant to provide customers with a quick and easy way to learn about the product. They are also used by Amazon's search algorithm to help customers find products that match their search criteria.

Writing effective bullet points for your Amazon product listings is an important part of ensuring that your products stand out to potential customers and drive sales. By following a few key guidelines, you can create bullet points that effectively communicate the value of your products and help to drive sales on Amazon.

Amazon Bullet Points Guidelines

Amazon Listing Guidelines

Amazon has specific guidelines for the use of bullet points on its website. These guidelines include the following:

  • Bullet points should be used to highlight key product features and benefits, and should be written in a clear and concise manner.
  • Bullet points should be written in sentence case (i.e., only the first word of each bullet point should be capitalized), and should not include any special characters (such as bullet points or asterisks) at the beginning of each bullet point.
  • Each bullet point should be limited to 100 characters or less.
  • Bullet points should not include any pricing information, promotional language, or URLs.
  • Bullet points should not include any mention of the brand name unless it is necessary for proper product identification.
  • Bullet points should not include any mention of other products, services, or websites.
  • Bullet points should not include any mentions of the product's reviews or ratings or any claims of the product's effectiveness.
  • Bullet points should not include any mention of the product's weight, size, or dimensions.
  • By adhering to these guidelines, sellers can ensure that their bullet points will be accurate and helpful to customers and that they will be in compliance with Amazon's terms of service.

Here's a guide on how to write effective Amazon bullet points for sellers:

Keep it short and sweet: Amazon's bullet points are limited to 500 characters, so it's important to be as concise as possible. Use short, clear sentences that get to the point quickly.

Highlight key features: Use bullet points to call attention to the most important features of your product. If your product is a kitchen appliance, for example, you might mention its power, size, and cooking capabilities.’

Emphasize benefits: In addition to listing features, be sure to highlight the benefits of your product. If a product is powerful, say how that improves performance, or if it's small, it can save space.

Use numbers and statistics: Including specific numbers and statistics in your bullet points can help to make your product more convincing. If your product is a kitchen knife, you might mention that it's made of high-carbon steel and has a Rockwell hardness rating of 56.

Use action words: To make your bullet points more compelling, use action words that inspire excitement and encourage customers to take action. Words like "powerful," "durable," "versatile," "efficient," and "innovative" can all help to convey the value of your product.

Be Specific: Be specific about the characteristics of your product. Saying that your product is "high-quality" is not specific and does not give much insight to the customer, whereas saying that it's "made of premium materials" or "designed for long-lasting durability" is more informative and specific.

Use formatting: Capitalizing the first letter of each word in bullet points can make them easier to read and more visually appealing. Also, you can use bullet points to list out the different features and benefits of your product, which makes it easier for customers to scan and find the information they're looking for.

Here's an example of a table chart you can use:



Durable Material

Product will last longer


Easy to carry


Can be used in any weather

How Can Good Amazon Bullet Points Help In Increasing Sales

Good Amazon bullet points can potentially help to increase sales by providing customers with clear and concise information about the product, highlighting its key features and benefits. This can help customers quickly and easily understand the product, and make a more informed buying decision. Additionally, good bullet points can also help to improve a product's visibility in Amazon's search results, which can drive more traffic to the product page and increase the chances of a sale.

Product Image

  • Providing customers with clear and concise information about the product, highlighting its key features and benefits. This can help customers to quickly and easily understand the product, and make a more informed buying decision.
  • Improving the product's visibility in Amazon's search results, which can drive more traffic to the product page and increase the chances of a sale.
  • Helping to set the product apart from its competitors by emphasizing unique features and benefits that the competition doesn't have.
  • Encouraging customers to add the product to their cart by highlighting the benefits of the product.
  • Building trust with potential buyers by providing them with detailed information about the product.
  • Generating positive reviews by providing a clear picture of the product to the buyers.
  • Helping customers find the product when they search for specific keywords and phrases by including those keywords in bullet points.

Few key benefits of writing effective bullet points:

Increased Visibility of product listing

  1. Increased visibility: Bullet points are prominently displayed on the product page, and they can help your product stand out among the competition.
  2. Enhanced readability: Bullet points make it easier for customers to scan the product page and quickly understand the key features and benefits of your product.
  3. Improved SEO: Including relevant keywords in your bullet points can help improve your product's search ranking on Amazon, making it more likely to be seen by potential customers.
  4. Increased conversion rates: Clear and persuasive bullet points can convince customers to purchase your product over competing options.

Taking the time to write effective bullet points can pay off in increased visibility, improved readability, and increased conversion rates. This will help you more effectively market your product on Amazon and improve your sales.

Effective online shopping

By following these tips, you can create bullet points that effectively communicate the value of your products and help to drive sales on Amazon. Remember that when formatting bullet points it's crucial to stay within the limit of 500 characters per bullet point, capitalize the first letter of each word to make it more legible and appealing, and use bullet points to list out different features and benefits of your product to make it easy for customers to read.

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